Friday, March 18, 2016

Wanted to Spread Ammunition in ASEAN, the US Can Trigger World War III

Ingin Sebar Amunisi di ASEAN AS Bisa Picu Perang Dunia III

WASHINGTON - The United States Army (USA) announced plans to deploy ammunition stocks in ASEAN countries, to stem the expansion of Chinese influence in the region. The US move was criticized a number of parties because it could trigger World War III.

ASEAN countries would be a placement of US munitions among others, Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries that the US kept secret. Experts believe the Philippines will be the "host" US munitions because the country was so far being aggressive with China in the South China Sea dispute.

US Army announcement came Wednesday US time or today (03/17/2016) pm. Commander of the US Army Material, General Dennis Via, stressed that, in addition to ammunition, sites in ASEAN will be filled in stock for the needs of Humanitarian and Disaster (HADR).

US plans in response to China's move that the US has accused of militarization to control the South China Sea region.

The former head of the CIA, General Michael Hayden, warned that the "misuse" China's rise would be disastrous.

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) also concurred with the concerns Hayden. CSIS to predict what that the South China Sea will be "China Lake" in 2030, especially after Beijing put advanced missile systems recently in the disputed island.

China has defended over the placement of the missile system on the pretext that the right of China to build its own sovereign territory.

Barack Obama regime's military plan was also criticized opinion writer David Ignatius in the Washington Post on Wednesday, with the title "The US is heading toward a dangerous showdown with China" (US toward a dangerous confrontation with China).

He quoted former US Assistant Secretary of State for Asia, Kurt Campbell, who worried about the attitude of the Obama administration could trigger World War III.

"This is not Pearl Harbor, but if people on all sides are not careful, it could be 'The Guns August'," reads a quote Campbell refers to Barbara Tuchman book detailing the chain of events that led to World War I.

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